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Cutia cu metafore

luni, 14 decembrie 2009

The Story of the Pencil

When I was a child,my grandpa told me a story called"The story of the pencil"and I want to tell you that beautiful and amazing story.I heard that it's probably a paragraph by Paulo Coelho but I'm not sure.
A boy was watching his grandfather writing a letter.At one point he asked him if these was a story about what they had done.His grandpa stopped writing his letter and said to his grandson.I am writing abou you,actually,but more important than the words is the pencil I am using.I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.The boy didn't understand what his grandpa seemed so special at that pencil,and the idea is that it depends on how you look at things.If you look at a pencil like a pencil you will see just a pencil ,but if you look into that pencil you will se five qualities which,if you manage to hang of them,this will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.
Firstly:You are capable of great things,but you never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps.
Secondly:Now and then,I have to stop writing ans use a sharpner.That makes the pencil suffer a little,but afterword,he's much more sharpened.So you,too,must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows,because they will make you a better person.
Thirdly:The pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub any mistakes.This means that correcting smething we did is not necessarily a bad thing.
Fourth:What really matter in a pencil is not the mooden exterior,but the graphite inside.So always pay attention to what's happening inside you.
Fifth:The pencil always leaves a mark.In just the same way,you should know that everything you do in life will leave mark,so try to be conscious of that in your every action.
I hope this story will help you to realise something and maybe this can change a small thinking.

Un mod de gandire sanatos

Gandirea pozitiva este cel mai simplu mod de a avea succes.Oamenii nu realizeaza cat de simplu este sa elimini tot ce e neslefuit.Uite cateva idei din filozofia mea a unui mod bun de a gandi:
1.Concentreaza-te pe ceea ce ti place,ce ti doresti si nu invers
2.Cauta sa ai oameni care sa te faca sa te simti bine,sa fie pozitvi si amuzanti
3.Fii calm.("He who knows patience he knows peace")
4.Fii recunoscator si aprecieaza tot ce ai.
5.Iubeste-te pe tine insuti.Concretizeaza actiunile tale pentru a-ti da seama ce fel de om esti.
6.Ai incredere in tine si actioneaza atunci cand instictul cel mai puternic iti sugereaza asta.
7.Traim intr-o lume care se bazeaza pe bunastare abunda,viata e facuta sa fie din abundeta.Deci exista peste tot un curent de stare de bine incearca sa ti-l invoci.
8.Emotiile tale iti spun in ce situatie te afli.
9.Daca toata lumea ar trai din plin si s-ar indrepta catre ceea ce isi doreste nu s-ar bate pe aceleasi lucruri.Aceasta este frumusetea
10.Esti un camp infinit de posibilitati.
11.Toata puterea vine dinauntru si de aceea o putem controla.
12.Esti stapan pe viata ta,pe alegerile tale si pe ceea ce esti tu.
13.Viata ta va fi ceea ce tu vei face din ea si nimeni nu o va judeca nici acum nici in eternitate.
14.Daca nu te distrezi facand un lucru.Nu il mai face.
15.Nu rade niciodata de visurile celorlalti,fiindca cei care nu au visuri nu au prea multe.
16.Aminteste-ti cei trei R:Respect pentru tine,Respect pentru ceilalti,Responsabilitate pentru actiunile tale.